Netflix new series “Unbelievable” is the horrifying American mini-series of 2019. It depicts the story of a shocking crime and stunning miscarriage of justice happened with a teenage girl of 18 years named Marie.
The series shows how a rape survivor is charged with lying after having been raped and how the two detectives follow twisted paths to find out the truth behind the case that linked with various cases.
What is the true story behind the series?
In 2009, Marie is attacked in her apartment by a man who tries her up and rapes her, capturing photographs all the while. She informed that crime to police. The police investigate the case and charged Marie for falsely reporting a sexual assault.
After two years, two female detectives Stacy Galbraith and Edna Hendershot, from two different departments decide to catch the serial rapist who is connected with a series of rapes happened in Washington and Colorado and also attacked Marie.
How this true-story come into the limelight?
This heart-breaking story gains public attention by the American Life episode “Anatomy of Doubt” and the Pulitzer-winning article “An Unbelievable Story of Rape”.
The series is based on the report made by T. Christian Miller and Ken Armstrong, about the series of rapes, happened in Washington and Colorado, originally published by ProPublica.
When the show will be released on Netflix?
The harrowing story based on the true incident happened with Marie is premiered on Netflix on September 13, 2019.
This eight-episode Netflix series shows every trauma faced by Marie in her life along with a detective investigation about the rapist.
Susannah Grant, Ayelet Waldman, and Michael Chabon emphasis on each detail about her background, her life while filming this best-ever series.
Unbelievable: Cast
A new Netflix drama based on 2008-2011, Washington and Colorado serial rape case includes a team of stars such as
Real Name | Serial Name | Role in Series |
Kaitlyn Dever | Marie Adler | A teenage young girl and main character of the show |
Toni Collette | Grace Rasmussen | Detective from West minister police department |
Merritt Wever | Karen Duvall | Detective from Golden police department |
Kai Lennox | Steve Rasmussen | Detective Grace husband |
Austin Hebert | Max Duvall | Detective Karen Husband |
Elizabeth Marvel | Judith | One of the Marie’s foster mom |
Scott Lawrence | Billy Taggart | FBI Special agent |
Bridget Everett | Colleen | Another of the Marie’s foster mom |
Omar Maskati | Elias | RoseMarie’s data analyst intern |