14. The Spy
Inspired by real-life events, The Spy is the six-episode miniseries premiered on Netflix on September 6, 2019. This new Israeli web series is based on the life of Israel’s top Mossad spy Eli Cohen. It is set in the year (1967) when the six-day war happened between Israel and Syria.
13. V Wars
Netflix’s new series V Wars once again bring back vampires on the ground. Inspire by Jonathan Maberry’s graphic novel of the name same, this upcoming science-fiction drama show vampire diaries hero Ian Somerhalder in a new version or role of a doctor who tries to cure vampires.
12. Iron Fist
Marvel’s best television drama Iron Fist is created by Scott Buck. Based on Marvel comic character of the same name and Iron fist by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane, the series star Finn Jones in the role of Iron Fist, a martial arts expert who can call upon the mystical power known as Iron Fist.
11. Designated Survivor
Designated Survivor as its name shows the story of an American politician named Thomas Kirkman. He suddenly upgraded to the position of President of the United States from US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, after a massive explosion that kills everyone who is ahead of him for the post. Thomas with the experience now deals with the problem of the state as well as finding the truth behind the attack.