4. Possessed
OCN original network drama “Possessed” is a South Korean television series created and directed by Studio Dragon and Choi Do-hoon. The series focuses on detective Kang Pil-sung and psychic medium Hong Seo-Jung who join the forces to destroy the ghost of a murderer that was executed twenty years ago.
3. Trapped
The top-rated Icelandic mystery television series “Trapped” is focused on Andri Olafsson, the chief of police, who is solving the murder mystery of a former townsman whose mutilated corpse is recovered by fishermen. The ten-episode series cast includes various Golden Globe award-winning actors and producers.
2. Grand Hotel
Created by Ramón Campos and Gema R. Neira, Grand Hotel is a Spanish mysterious American series ever watched on the television screen. The series follows the life of Grand Hotel owner Santiago Mendoza, his second wife Giri, his adult children and Riviera’s staff.
1. Story of Yanxi Palace
The story of Yanxi Palace is a Chinese suspenseful series that is available to watch and download on Netflix. The show set in the 18th century Beijing focuses on a young cracker who enters the court as palace embroiderers to secretly find the truth behind her beloved sister’s mysterious death. The popular series created by Yu Zheng.