28. The Chosen One
Netflix’s original Brazilian suspenseful television series is inspired by a Mexican web series name Nino Santa. The twelve-episode and two-season series show a team of three young doctors who visit a village to vaccinate its people from a new mutation of the Zika virus.
But the series takes a twist when they trapped between the people who are the true devote of mysterious leaders, which supernaturally cure diseases.
27. Undercover
Inspired by a real-life incident, where two undercover agents infiltrate a drug kingpins operation in Limburg. The Dutch-language series shows the infiltration is executed by two agents, who live as a couple in the campground where the drug kingpin spends his weekends. Its first season is available on Netflix and it is renewed for the second season.
26. The Stranded
Christian Durso created Netflix suspenseful series star various characters such as Papangkorn Lerkchaleampote, Chayanit Chansangavej, Chutavuth Pattarakampol, and others. The series shows a group of an elite school student who trapped in an island destroyed by Tsunami and hoping to get out of it. But the mysterious or suspicious forces on the island work against him.
25. Occupied
Erik Skjoldbjaerg directed Norwegian political thriller drama is completed a journey of three seasons and twenty-four episodes. It shows the fictional future in which Russia, with the support of the European Union; occupy Norway to fulfill its oil and gas energy crises.
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