Having a stress-free and sound sleep is the demand of today’s time. As we have noticed many people suffer from insomnia and other problems and unable to get proper sleep at night. That causes irritation, metal stress, depression, and various other problems.

So, in short, a proper sleep plays an important role in life. It keeps us energetic, saves us from diseases, boosts over immunity, and relaxes our mind. But the question is how we get quality sleep?

Exercise is the best way to get good sleep. But as we all know that heavy late-night exercise increases mental and body stress both, so instead of that try some easy and best sleeping exercises that reduce your stress, relax your muscles and remove your tension. Here we mention 5 best sleeping exercises or ways that help you achieve this.

Yoga Poses

Yoga is the best way to relax our mind and soul. So, by doing some simple Yoga poses you get quality and tension-free sleep at night.

Lizard Pose

  • Bring your left foot forward between your hands and lower your right knee to the floor.
  • Walk your left foot to the outer edge of your mat and place your elbows on the floor.
  • Repeat practice on the other side.

Standing Forward Bend Pose

  • Walk your feet to your hands.
  • With feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in the knees, hold your elbows.
  • Exhale and lengthen down through the crown of your head.
  • To come up, release your arms, root through your feet, and slowly rise.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

  • Lie back on pillows, so that it’s supporting the upper and middle back. Rest head on a folded blanket.
  • Press soles of feet together and let knees fall open to both sides. Pull shoulder blades gently inward and allow arms to relax at sides with palms facing up.

Corpse Pose

  • In this pose, Lie back, letting your legs and arms relax.
  • Give attention to your breath and notice which nostril is clearer.
  • To come out of the pose, draw your knees in toward your chest. Instead of automatically rolling to your right side, roll onto whichever side has the clearer nostril.


Aches and chronic pain cause disturbance in the sleep, so to remove them, use a smiley ball or tennis ball or any foam roller and your body weight, to rub out knots.


Meditation is the best exercise that can be easily performed by anyone. All you need to do it is dim lights of your room, sit in a comfortable position, remove your shoes, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. It clears all your mind’s thoughts. Perform it 25 minutes per day.


Some easily stretching exercises relax your body muscles and help you in having quality and best sleep at night.

Neck Stretching Exercise: Relax your neck, shoulder, and head.

31876107 – young woman doing self neck stretch
  • Sit in a comfortable chair. Take your right hand to the top of your head or your left ear.
  • Gently bring your right ear towards your right shoulder, hold the position for 5 breaths.
  • Continue on the opposite side.
  • Turn to look over your right shoulder, keeping the rest of your body facing forward.
  • Hold the position for 5 breaths.
  • Continue on the opposite side.

Resting Stretching Exercise (Child Pose): Relax the body, reduce stress, and tune into your breath. Reduce back, shoulder, and neck tension.

  • Start the exercise by coming down on your knees, sitting back on your heels.
  • Hinge at your hips to fold forward and rest your forehead on the floor.
  • Extend your arms in front of you to support your neck or bring your arms alongside your body. You can use a pillow or cushion under your thighs or forehead for extra support.
  • Breathe deeply in while holding the pose, bringing your awareness to any areas of discomfort or tightness in your back.
  • Remain in the pose for 5 minutes.

Bed exercise

Bed exercises are a simple exercise that you can do while lying on the bed.

  • Curl your toes on both feet and hold them in that position for a few seconds, then release.
  • Tense up your calf muscles in your legs and hold them in that position for a few seconds, then release.

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