Messiah, one of the mysterious television show of 2020 make everyone New Year entertaining and memorable one. This new Netflix’s original series disclose various mysterious about Messiah and his miracles.
If you don’t watch this web series right now then watch and download this series from the streaming giant, and if you already watch this new Netflix series then check the content of the blog mentioned below. It contains a list of all thriller television dramas just like Messiah.
Drama and Thriller Movies & Shows
21. The Spy
The top-rated Israeli espionage television series “The Spy” is directed by famous Israeli director Gideon Raff and Max Perry. Based on true events of top Israeli Mossad spy “Eli Cohen”, the six-episode miniseries are interesting to watch and download.
The television series set in the years, when a six-day war between Israel and Syria take place. It shows Cohen’s past in Egypt after rejected from the army.
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20. Blacklist
NBC’s original thriller webs series “Blacklist” is created by Jon Bokenkamp. The series follows a former U.S Navy officer, Raymond who turned into a big criminal, voluntarily surrender to the FBI after avoiding captures for decades. He hand-over a list of blacklisted criminals to the FBI in exchange for immunity from prosecution. He also insisted to work as a rookie FBI profiler.
Blacklist seven seasons and one-forty three episodes journey show the interesting twists and turns that never watched before.
19. Eye for an eye
The nontraditional pseudo-court television show “Eye for an eye” follows a personal injury lawyer Akim Anastopoulo or Extreme Akim, who is practicing the law in his hometown, Charleston, South Caroline since 1986.
The five-season series show the extreme judgments or the punishments made by judge Akim against criminals who do criminal activities.
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