About the Show
Indian MatchMaking is one of the most trending and hit shows streaming on Netflix right now. It is a reality television web series. The show is about Sima Taparia, who is a matchmaker from Mumbai. She works with high-end upper-class families in India as well as the United States to connect couples that are sort of at par with each other and tie the criteria for Indian arranged marriages. The typical criteria being income, skin color, education levels, etc.
Rating – 60 % likes this TV show
No of episodes– 8
Genres – Reality television, Dating game show
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Viral fever
Not only has the show gathered press and attention in Indian but has also earned its name and fame in the American press. The show became viral on social media platforms but the versions of its memes have also started coming up.
Along with the memes mocking, matchmaking there are also debates regarding what the show actually represents. The audience is constantly indulging with the show and it has become a show to binge-watch!
Some memes that are getting viral all over twitter with the hashtag #IndianMatchmaking

The show has gained mixed reviews with some hating the show because they feel targeted while some enjoying it and considering it entertaining.
Deeper Dive into the criticism
According to many, it is a deep dive into what an arranged marriage looks and feels like. In case you have been a part of one you might even have the chances of a ‘deja vu’. But along with that what makes the show quite a sensitive topic is the fact that it talks about misogyny, casteism, colorism, sexism, and a lot more in a demeaning way! It is getting negative press for reinforcing the cultural stereotypes about India, honoring the casteism and colorism. Popularly know for those typical and judgmental ‘aunty looks’ more of a stalker type!

The show works on the foundation of introducing diverse and varied characters with all of them looking to get hitched. The person helping them find the right one being Sima who is quite confident about her abilities to help people find their right catch.
The three most used words by her in the show are compromise, adjust, and be flexible. In the duration of finding the right matches for people she also visits face-readers as well as pandit seeking suggestions.
Did people actually find their true match with this matchmaking?
Some people had a good experience and stayed in touch with the people they were set up with on the show. So they made good friends and had a positive experience overall.
Whereas some thought the things would work out but eventually they took their separate ways respecting each other and moving ahead.
While for some everything was set but some things were found meanwhile and it had to be called off. Not only this some even came across a situation where the things completely took a turn when the cameras stopped rolling. This change wasn’t a positive one for a couple of clients but it helped them discover what they wanted.
Overall it is a mix of emotions the clients face during this matchmaking and go through with some ending up as friends and some discovering what they truly want. As far as the audience is concerned the series is centered around the whole idea of an arranged marriage and showcases people’s vulnerabilities which are liked by some and aren’t favoured by some.