Netflix’s original series Ragnarok is a new age drama that surprisingly focuses on Norse mythology. This six-part Norwegian language series is produced by BAFTA and Robert Festival award-winner Adam Price (The Heavy Water) along with Norwegian co-executive producer and writer Simen Alsvik (Fallet), producer Stine Meldgaard Madsen (Pros and Cons) and executive producer Meta Louise Foldager Sørensen (Below the surface).
The new series of 2020 is set in the small, fictitious town of Edda, situated in the grand, breathtaking Norwegian nature. The series centered on the inhabitants of Edda who perhaps not that they claim to be and experience the extremely changing world. Season one of the series focuses on the drastic part of the world that shows the poles melting, winters get warmer and downpours are violet.
This all-new Netflix drama shows various interesting things that are not watched in any previous series of the same genre.
When the series will be premiere on Netflix?
This new coming-of-age drama will be expected to release on favorite streaming giant Netflix on January 31, 2019.
Ragnarok 2020: Official Cast
As per Netflix and Ragnarok directors, the main cast of the series includes various famous personalities in different-different roles such as David Stakston, a 19-year old Magna, Jonas Strand Gravli as 27-year old Laurits, Theresa Frostad Eggesbo as 21-year-old Saxa, Herman Tommeraas as 21-year-old Fjor and Emma Bones as 19-year old Gry.
The other cast of the series includes Henriette Steenstrup, Odd-Magnus Williamson, Synnove Macody Lund, Line Verndal, Fridtjof Saheim, Bjorn Sundquist, Gisli Orn Garoarsson and others.
Where to watch this series?
Ragnarok Season one will be available on the best online streaming channel Netflix. You can also watch and get information related to it on the Hard2know website.