Bored, exhausted, and completely tired of the same platforms Netflix, Hotstar, or Prime to watch the latest movies or shows? If yes you are in the right place. We all need a change and something new or fresh excites us. And what is better than being able to download your favorite shows or movies as well!
Yes, there is a website that provides this along with a huge and endless variety of latest movies or shows. The name of this website is KTM MOVIES.
While you click on the site you get an endless list of categories, web series or tv shows, or movie category list to choose from. Not only this you also have the option to choose from top actors or directors whose movies you would want to see. How cool is that? Once you choose an actor or a director, it takes you to the list of all the movies made by that director or starring that actor.
The list of options and varieties available doesn’t end here. In case you feel some of the movies aren’t meant for children or could have a bad impact on them there is a list to take care of that too.
A Special 18 + Special Adult web series and movie list are created. What sets the site apart is the fact that it covers not only all genres or categories but also brings to you movies of different platforms.
This makes everything available on one site. Hence, it is referred to as the one-stop destination to movies or series or shows.
Another interesting option that the website offers is seeing the movie based on the year they were made. This widens the options and preferences to a whole new level. Not only this it makes sure to cater to all the generations. For example, you being a millennial might want to watch the most trending movies while maybe your parents want to watch an old film of their times so there are options for both! The list of year-wise categorization extends from 1969 to 2020.
Along with the year-wise categorization, there are also four more categories the web series or films are arranged in –
All the movies or series are alphabetically organized. This makes locating the movies or shows so much easier and faster.
To explain it further-
For example, you might want to see the list of latest or trending shows or movies or even all the list of movies with letter B. So all you do is click the letter and get the results as shown below-
Now sometimes you might feel like watching a Tv show or series while sometimes a movie for a stretched one-time entertainment instead of a show that has continuous episodes. So for that, a list of web series or Tv show pages as well as movie show pages are created.
There is a movie page wise categorization and the list extends from Page 1 to 106. Each page has a list of 30 movies to choose from.
The last and the final category is the season-wise list that shows the movies or tv shows with the number of seasons.
For example,
How to download movies on KTM movies for free ?
The section of downloading a movie as well downloading the KTM app is well-instructed. Unfortunately, the app is not available on Google Play Store.
Below, I will be explaining each of these options.
Firstly How to Download Option,
When you click on the ‘How to download’ option the following page will appear.
Below these links their is an example with step by step procedure explained of how to download a movie. Following those simple, easy steps you can download a movie in no time.
Second, Download App option,
When you click on the Download App option the following page will appear-
The downloading is a simple four step process and following it you can easily put the app in your phone and begin the process.
Third, Contact option,
This option helps you to easily connect with the concerned person for your queries.
Incase you face any issue be it in terms of watching or downloading a movie or you are unable to create an account, this contact information can be extremely useful at that time.
Fourth, Request for Movie Upload
The website also provides you with the option to request a movie upload. Alot of times you want to watch a movie and it isn’t there. This can be a serious mood spoiler! To sort this issue KTM movies allows you to request any movie you want to see and they will get it uploaded on the site for you to watch or even download it.
You need to follow the following steps to request for an upload-
1. First , Click on Request for Movie Upload
2. Then click on the ‘Go To Request For Upload option’
3. Once you click ‘Go To Request For Upload option’ you will be taken to the following page.
4. Next, Type the request in the Leave a comment section and add your name as well as your email and submit.
So here you have an entire website having anything and everything you want at just one place. Try it out and make your entertainment experience easier, faster, and simpler with a whole lot of options to choose from!