Spider-Man: Far from Home, one of the best Marvel movie that arrived in theatres with a bang. It earned a whopping $580 million worldwide in the first weekend, thus far including $185 million in domestic release alone. As per the audience review, the action and comedy did by Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal and Samuel L. Jackson made the Marvel superhero movie of 2019 interesting and entertaining.

Following the events of Avengers: Endgame released in 2019, Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that have changed forever. In terms of visualization and narration, the movie follows Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, the best ever hit on the screen and on the basis of the story this must watch movie continue the story another Spider-Man movie that is Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Let’s see what this popular movie of 2019 is all about

This action-packed sequel of the Marvel Climatic Universe focuses on a sixteen-year-old boy, Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Tom Holland) who went on a two-week class trip to Europe his friends, where his mission is to tell Zendaya (MJ) how he feels about her.

But as we know the things are not always the same as it seems. Far from Home is full of twists and a whole lot of weirder. During his trip, Peter not only deals with the world-altering fallout of Thanos’ Snap (The Blip) as well as the death of his mentor and superhero Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame.

He also finds himself trapped with some psychological themes that were the first team up and then later betrayed by Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal).

Spider-Man: Far from Home is a roller-coaster ride of romance-comedy and action adventure

Director Jon Watts ensures that Spider: Far from home is a full pack of action and emotions. The movie shows stunning action beats in which Spider-Man fight against monsters that are made of water or fire. He has to get creative to fight them and it is one of the important and impressive assets of the movie. Spider-Man gets the Stark’s glasses that are equipped with the artificial intelligence E.D.I.T.H which contain all information about Starks industries and orbital weapons supply.

Surprisingly, Far from home also have an effective emotional side. This movie enables a lot of emotions when Peter comes to know that its flawed father figure and his mentor “Tony Stark” (hero of Avengers: Endgame) has died. He is deeply and personally affected by this. Although, sometimes Peter also step to one of Tony’s old fabricators and starts dialing through holographic suit elements, ginning himself up a new outfit.

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Some Audience Reviews

According to the Audience, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a one-stop-shopping destination for larger-than-life blockbuster fantasy thrills and Spider-Man: Far from Home is one of them. There are thousands of people around the world loved this movie and also reviewed it. Here we are mentioning some of them.

Anuj Sharma

Definitely, THE BEST Spider-Man movie made till date!

Amazing action, witty, and a spider-man right outta comics!

The movie was really fun to watch and there was ample fan service which made it clear that Marvel is going to take the momentum that they have built, forward in the next arc too.

The thing I loved the most is the fact that Marvel is one of the smartest movie studios that is connected to its fan base and they never take us for granted and they understand that their audience is intelligent and really invested in this universe. They address a lot of questions that were raised in the Avengers: Endgame (For example, the blip).

I am very excited for the next phase of MCU and if Spider-Man: Far From Home is a sign of things to come ahead then I can safely say that we are in for an even bigger and exciting phase of MCU.

5 out of 5 stars from me!

Daniil Ionin

I loved Spider-Man: Far From Home, it was a bigger film than Homecoming. It has more intense action when Peter was fighting against those elementals and the battles were so intense that buildings were destroyed like it was a big incident. There was a funny part when Peter was trying to prevent buildings from crashing on the running people, where Peter was in a bell tower he ended up getting hit by the bell as he was trying to get up a few times. I liked how Mysterio interacted with Peter acting like a mentor figure to him when Tony died in Endgame and I think Jake did a great performance as Mysterio. In the film, he wanted to take a break from his superhero career because of what he’s been through in Endgame, and he was facing difficulties with living up to Tony Stark’s legacy as the world was expecting him to succeed his mentor. But in the end, he was willing to step up to protect the people he cares about which made him more serious with his superhero life, as he grew to understand just how the life of a superhero can tough and serious. This shows how he has matured in the film and he doesn’t want to let down his late mentor as he had put his faith in him. So I think the film is even more amazing than its predecessor it especially with the twists and I wonder how that’s going to affect the next Spiderman film and the film gave a good ending to phase 3.

Jeffrey James

What an amazing tribute to tony stark. Probably the best Spider-Man stand-alone movie! Tom Holland was just amazing and Zendaya was like she was just tailor fitted for playing MJ. The movie packs a good story which clears all the doubts made by endgame! A special appreciation has to be given to the VFX team, just absolutely amazing and perfect! It makes the movie a hundred times better. A must watch a movie filled with great humor & romance.