Falling is not new but remain on the spot of failure is the real tragedy. If anyone tells you he/she has never failed, then you should know that a liar has just spoken to you, for everyone who later succeeded failed at one time or the other. Every big man today was small yesterday. There had been head of states that were once condemned criminals who later rose to the rank of commander-in-chiefs. The question; have you been knock down financially, spiritually, morally, career wise etc? never mind, just do all you could to get up and move on in life.

If you have been beaten by unpleasant circumstances; be calm, for it is not the end of the world. Learn to fight back each time you fall or fail; always stage a comeback. Nevertheless, try your best to keep away from falling by avoiding mistakes troubles, chaos etc.

Should it be you fail after you have done your best, then, encourage yourself to rise again. No matter how we plan or how best we try, at times, there are some adverse situations one cannot help. When the unexpected happens, do not remain down; pull yourself together and bounce back.

Do a re-assessment and a re-launch. There is a lesson or two to be learnt in every circumstance. Never allow such lesson to slip you by; for it will help you later in life.

It is your season of lifting. I declare you untouchable and unmolested. Be free from insult and reproach by God’s grace


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Last Update: March 26, 2019