Vikings is a Canadian-Irish series written and created by Michael Hirst. This historical and action-adventure drama is inspired by sagas of Viking Ragnar Lothbrok. It’s the first episode released on 3rd March 2013 on MGM television.

Initially, the creator of this popular TV show decided to produce only one season. But later on, when it is appreciated by the people it’s second, third, fourth and fifth season released and according to January 2019 announcement its final 6th seasons of 20 episodes is realizing soon.

The storyline of the show

The series follows the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking warrior and farmer who raise fame by the successful raid at the distant shores of the ocean and eventually become Scandinavian king with the help of his fellow warriors and family.

Apart from action and adventure, the series also portrays the story of brotherhood and family. It shows the love and affection of Ragnar and his wife Lagertha, a fierce, strong, beautiful and determined warrior of her own right.

The first four season story follows Ragnar and his adventures and later season follow the adventure and fortune of his son in the Mediterranean, England, and Scandinavia.

Vikings Cast

The best TV series of the fierce fighter is a combination of fantastic people.

  • Ragnar as Travis Fimmel played the role of a warrior, king, and farmer.
  • Lagertha as Katheryn Winnick played the role of Ragnar’s wife.
  • Earl Haraldson’s played by Gabriel Byrne.
  • Siggy as Jessalyn Gilsig played the role of Earl Haraldson’s wife.
  • Clive Standen played the role of Ragnar brother named Rollo.
  • George Blagden played the role of Athelstan, whose Christian morals clash with the Vikings pagan society.
  • Alyssa Sutherland played Aslaug role.
  • Gustaf Skarsgard played Floki role.
  • Donal Logue played Horik role in season one and second.

Vikings Seasons

It is an interesting series of a total of five episodes. Its sixth episode is releasing soon.

Vikings Season 1 (2013)

Season one comprises of total 9 episodes named as

•    Rites of Passage

•    Wrath of the Northmen

•    Dispossessed

•    Trial

•    Raid

•    Burial of the Dead

•    A King’s Ransom

•    Sacrifice

•    All change

Vikings Season 2 (2014)

It is a complete pack of total 10 episodes named as

•    Brother’s War

•    Invasion

•    Treachery

•    An eye for an Eye

•    Answers in Blood

•    Unforgiven

•    Blood Eagle

•    Boneless

•    The Choice

•    The Lord’s Prayer

Vikings Season 3 (2015)

This season comprises a total of 10 excellent episodes.

•    Mercenary

•    The Wanderer

•    Warrior’s Fate

•    Scarred

•    The Usurper

•    Born Again

•    Paris

•    To the Gates

•    Breaking Point

•    The Dead

Vikings Season 4 (2016-2017)

Michael Hirst produces a total 20 episode in this season.

•    A Good Treason

•    Kill the Queen

•    Mercy

•    Yol

•    Promised

•    What might have been

•    The Profit and the Loss

•    Portage

•    Death All ‘Round

•    The Last Ship

•    The Outsider

•    The Vision

•    Two Journeys

•    In the Uncertain Hour before the Morning

•    All his Angels

•    Crossings

•    The Great Army

•    Revenge

•    On the Eve

•    The Reckoning

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Vikings Season 5 (2017-2019)

Complete pack of total 20 episodes.

•    The Departed, Part 1

•    The Departed, Part 2

•    Homeland

•    The Plan

•    The Prisoner

•    The Message

•    Full Moon

•    The Joke

•    A Simple Story

•    Moments of Vision

•    The Revelation

•    Murder Most Foul

•    A New God

•    The Lost Moment

•    Hell

•    The Buddha

•    The most terrible fan

•    Baldur

•    What Happens in the Cave

•    Ragnarok

Download vikings season 5 from vikings index



I love the way the story develops and so do the characters. It’s raw and utterly befitting the Viking era representations. Commendable work by everyone who is involved with the drama series. No doubt it is one of my favorites and it is best if viewed with that spirit of exploring and learning about the Norsemen and their ways, as someone contemporary to those times would have. Overall a must watch for the adventurers out there.

Batman’s Fan

This show is definitely worth watching, not an episode goes by in which you feel bored. Along with the intense suspense and drama, you actually get to know the Viking culture. All the actors do a really commendable job, everything about that show is just perfect. The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok never cease to amaze me.

Harsh Bhatt

Great… Awesome…The bEst…u ll see the hard work of directors, writers, creators, actors. Must watch guys. Ragnar Lothbrok character played by Travis Fimmel has made me his(both ha) die-hard fan. Loved it. Waiting for next season… I have watched GOT, Dexter, breaking bad n many but this is something u ‘ll never forget. The character of Batman a.k.a Bruce Wayne i.e. Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan are equaled to Ragnar lothbrok i.e. Travis fimmel and Michael hirst. Go for it guys.

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Last Update: June 13, 2019