Unhealthy food we should avoid: Here is a list of some unhealthy food that we should avoid for a healthy life

Unhealthy food we should avoid: Here is a list of some unhealthy food that we should avoid for a healthy life

1. Extra Sugar Added

Food with added sugar such as cookies, cake, ice-cream, flavoured juices and yogurt

Food with added sugar such as cookies, cake, ice-cream, flavoured juices and yogurt

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2. Foods with extra added salt

Foods with added salt like chips, breads, canned soup and noodles, processed snack food

Foods with added salt like chips, breads, canned soup and noodles, processed snack food

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3. Refined Carb food

Refined carbohydrates are grains that have been processed by removing one or more parts of the kernel. Such as packaged cereals, white bread, pies and pastries.

Refined carbohydrates are grains that have been processed by removing one or more parts of the kernel. Such as packaged cereals, white bread, pies and pastries.

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4. Processed meats

Processed meats are meat that have been preserved by smoking or salting, curing or adding chemical preservatives...

Processed meats are meat that have been preserved by smoking or salting, curing or adding chemical preservatives...

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5. Deep fried foods

Deep fried foods such as French fries, fries chicken and fish, doughnuts, Onion rings and samosa.

Deep fried foods such as French fries, fries chicken and fish, doughnuts, Onion rings and samosa.

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