Netflix is a hub of every genre or language movies or television shows. It contains lots of Spanish, Indian, American and German movies. It’s not just a rich source of entertainment but also a beautiful place to learn languages.

Here we pick up a list of the best and popular German web series on Netflix that not only entertain you, but re-watch or rewind of these shows will help you learn a new language. So, don’t forget to choose a television series that suits your style and taste.

1. We are the Wave (Wir sind die Welle)

We are the Wave is a new German series that was premiere on Netflix on November 1, 2019. The teen show based on Morton Rhue, 1981 novel of the same name, focuses on a group of teens who are led by a new mysterious classmate name Tristan Broch. They begin an idealistic revolt against the establishment but in the end, the question raised: Does the purpose fulfill the means?

2. The Same Sky (Der Gleiche Himmel)

The Same Sky or Der Gleiche Himmel was a famous German television series set in the 1970s in West Germany. This cold war thriller portrays the fate of two families when an agent “Romeo” on mission seduces a woman on either side of the Berlin wall.

3. Homeland (Heimat)

Homeland o Heimat is an interesting family drama that a German family from 1919 to 2000. The series shows the family domestic life that is affected by the German’s political and social issues. It brushes up every concept of German history.

4. Murder with a view (Mord mit Aussicht)

The mysterious crime-filled action series set in the fictional village name Hengasch. The story revolves around a detective name Sophie Haas and also shows many differences between city and provincial living.

5. Good Time, Bad Times (Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten)

Another best German series that set in a fictional neighborhood of Berlin is Good Time, Bad Times or Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten. These teenage series focuses on various young audience issues such as rape, drug addiction, and homosexuality.

6. The Last Cop (Der Letzte Bulle)

The Last Cop is a popular German story of a Homicide Detective (Mick Brisgau) who wake up from the coma after 20 years and return to his work. He tries to deal with modern technology and personal problems when he comes to know his old fighting partner is married to his wife.

7. In Love in Berlin (Verliebt in Berlin)

In Love in Berlin or Verliebt in Berlin is a comedy series that filmed in Germany, Australia, and Switzerland. This light-hearted drama revolves around a girl (Lisa Penske) who is unlucky in the matter of love.

8. Generation War (Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater)

Generation War or Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater is a short series of three episodes. These compelling and captivating series focus on the story of five friends who choose different ways through Nazi Germany and World War II.

9. In all Friendliness (In aller Freundschaft)

The series filmed in the sachsenklinik hospital in the city of Leipzig. It shows the lives of doctors and nurses in this drama. It also focuses on the happening that takes place in this hospital and gripped the whole of Germany in the 90s.

10. Dandelion (Lowenzahn)

Best kid’s series that win people’s hearts, since 1979 is Dandelion or Lowenzahn. Every episode of the series showcases a specific theme or topic. It educates children as well as adults about technology and several other services.