What is Nature?

Nature is considered a phenomenon of the physical world collectively. It includes plants, animals, the landscape, seas, oceans, and all the creations of the earth.

In simple words, it is everything beyond the control of humans. It appears to be very soothing and peaceful if we look closely.

Unfortunately, we humans are always in a haste since we are overpacked as well as loaded with our busy schedules. We forget to focus on these small things that can bring so much peace and happiness to us.

The chirping of the birds, the whistling of the trees, the rustling of leaves, powerful waves, or the beaming sun! There is so much to see but we are so occupied with our work lives.

Nature has known to have a therapeutic impact on our minds.

Scientists have been finding evidence that claims natural beauty having a profound impact on our brains. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and has many more benefits.

Here is how nature can make you feel happy, lively and cheerful-

1. A Constant Booster of Mental Health

According to a study published in Environmental science and technology in 2014, it was found that on an average people who moved to greener areas showed an immediate improvement in mental heath. The boost was so strong and impactful that it continued to maintain its effects until even three years post-move.

This is the reason why a lot of urban planners think of incorporating greener spaces to make the surrounding lively and relaxing.

2. Decreases Anxiety and Depression

According to another study published in PNAS in 2015, it was found that participants who walked for 90 minutes through a green park on campus had quieter brains compared to those who were strolling next to a loud nearby highway.

It was also found that they showed decreased levels of activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex which is an area of the brain that is associated with depression. Hence, this study proved that walking in nature had a much positive effect on the overall mood and behavior of the person.

3. Building Focused Attention

Staying close to nature has also resulted in improved focus and attention spans. It has proven to not only re-energize a person but also reduce the levels of fatigue.

Being in the close vicinity of beaches, clouds, forests or even sunsets plays an active yet silent role in grabbing our attention. Not only this it also helps to restore the life energy which the negative emotions had taken from us.

4. Directly proportionate to Improving Health

We all focus a lot on our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Eating healthy foods or excerising are the main ways we always try to focus on improving our health.

However, we fail to realise the immense importance that nature carries in altering our moods and behaviors. Not only this it also plays a key role in maintaining mental as well as physical well-being.

Some of the benefits of it are –

  • Improving physical conditions like hypertension, cardiac illness, and chronic pains
  • It has also proven to enhance the emotional well-being as well as alleviate the feeling of social isolation
  • It can even help individuals suffering from mental health conditions like attention or mood disorders or any other forms of anxiety

5. Nature’s connection with Human Emotions

A research paper was published by scientists Ryan Lumber, Miles Richardson, David Sheffield in 2017 that focused on the affective components of associating with nature.

It states that being in close connection with nature results in evoking positive emotions.

Activities such as hiking, gardening, cycling, etc play an active role in enhancing the connection between humans and nature. This acts as a booster of happiness. Concluding this, it again states the role of nature in the overall behavior pattern and mood enhancement of humans.

Hence, these points prove the key role that nature plays in the overall behaviours, moods, patterns of humans. Staying close to nature is a must. It tends to give you the much-needed break thus relaxing you and restoring your lost energy!

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Facts, Nature,

Last Update: July 12, 2020